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The Tennis Pro Reward Program

Dear Tennis Pro's,

To bring "SAND TENNIS" to the world we have set up a program that will help spread the new sport worldwide. We want tennis pro's to be a part of this company and have set up a program for you to do so while making significant income from the World Sand Tennis Association. Sign up is free and easy.

rewards program

Pro's will be paid 10% of the registration fee for each membership it is indicated on the application that they encouraged. There is a question on the application to indicate the pro.
Pro's can run WSTA Sanctioned tournaments. Our web site will list your tournaments with name of event, date of event, registration deadline, events offered, entry fee, and contact person. WSTA is developing sanctioned tournament process.
World Sand Tennis will list your non-sanctioned tournaments and "teach the sport clinics" with event, dates, contact, and cost. Participants will sign up and pay any fee directly to the pro.
PRO'S LOCATED IN BEACH RESORT AREAS are encouraged to run a Sanctioned Tournament at a participating resort where tournament players from out of town may stay during the event. Pro's may be able to negotiate a 10% booking fee with the resort for bringing in those room sales. Pro's would have to contact the resort in their area. The tournament might be an International event drawing foreign players.

how to sign up for the tennis pro participation program

cost to you

job description

how to sign up

  • Absolutely free of any cost to tennis pro's registered or non-registered and tournament directors of sporting events.
  • To encourage memberships to the WORLD SAND TENNIS ASSOCIATION and run Sanctioned WSTA Tournaments, non-sanctioned tournaments, and clinics that introduce this new sport.
  • Simply email info@worldsandtennis.com and include your name, address, phone number, and if you are a registered pro with the USPTA, TENNIS REGISTERY, or Independent pro. You will be assigned a "pro Participation number" and contacted within a week.

Questions: 876.335.8646

Thank you and hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to make some extra income while introducing this new sport to the world. The first WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS are already being planned for two weeks in 2020 in the founding country of Jamaica.